Waleed Assaf, the head of the National Commission against the Israeli Annexation Wall and Colonies, said that the al-Walaja village, west of Bethlehem, is still facing the Israeli demolition of 189 of its homes.

Speaking to the Palestinian Radio on Tuesday morning, Assaf said the demolitions are part of a large illegal colonialist plan to expand its colonies in the southern part of occupied Jerusalem, and link them with Gush Etzion Block.

His statement came after the army demolished, on Monday at dawn, four Palestinian homes in the village, after an Israeli court rendered its final ruling against them.

He added that the families of the demolished homes are now living in tents, and received some basic aid to survive until a solution is found to ease their plights.

Several months ago, the Jerusalem City Council announced the annexation of large areas of Palestinian lands, in order to build and expand its illegally segregated colonies.

This illegal policy places an imminent threat of demolition of 189 Palestinians homes in the village.