Fire and smoke rose up from the main roadway in front of Al Quds Open University in Beit Sahour as part of a protest in which the students burned tires and demanded a reversal of the recent decision to put the University under control of the Palestine Authority (PA) instead of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).Fire and smoke rose up from the main roadway in front of Al Quds Open University in Beit Sahour as part of a protest in which the students burned tires and demanded a reversal of the recent decision to put the University under control of the Palestine Authority (PA) instead of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

Students, mainly Fatah youth, who were protesting today said that they do not want the government to control the university because the government is controlled mainly by Hamas. After talking with one of the demonstrators, he said that the students are also protesting the internal fighting and the hard financial conditions of the PA employees due to the lack of pay.

Al Quds Open University was founded by the late President Yasser Arafat, the founder of Fatah and the leader of the PLO. Fatah is currently still in control of the PLO since Mahmoud Abbas, the current Palestinian president and the leader of Fatah won the PLO leadership elections.