Palestinian medical sources in Gaza reported that the Israeli air force fired two missiles at a Palestinian vehicle in a crowded street killing eleven residents, including two school children. Army source reported that the attack targeted a vehicle carrying fighters of the Islamic Jihad. At least 32 residents were injured in the attack.

Two Islamic Jihad activists are among the dead. The extra judicial killing was carried out in the heavily populated neighborhood of Al Zeitoun in Gaza. Dozens of resident were injured in the attack, including residents who are in critical conditions.

According to an army source, the first missile “missed its target” and caused civilian casualties, while the second missile hit the targeted vehicle killing two members of the Islamic Jihad. The source claimed that the fighters were on their way to fire homemade shells at .

Eyewitnesses reported that the second missile came only few minutes after the first, after dozens of residents and medics arrived at the scene of the attack to evacuate the wounded.  At least two medics were killed in the second missile strike.

Abu Ahmad, media spokesperson on the Al Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad, reported that four of the killed residents are members of the Islamic Jihad.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights based in Gaza City (PCHR), has expressed its concern at the escalation of Israeli attacks in the occupied territories.

In a report issued on June 11, the rights organization recorded the killing of 14 Palestinians and the injury of 36 others in Israeli attacks in 24 hours.

"These attacks cause widespread fear among civilians, especially children, and cause material damage to property," the PCHR reported.

The PCHR called upon the international community to act immediately to stop these crimes, renewing the call to the High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligations to guarantee the protection of Palestinian civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories.