Walid al-Umari, the Arab satellite channel’s bureau chief in the Palestinian Territories, was arrested Monday by Israeli policemen, the pan-Arab television station reported.


Al-Umari has been arrested twice in the past 24 hours by Israeli police. His identification papers were also confiscated.

Al-Umari and his crew were reporting on current developments in the Lebanon-Israeli crisis from the village of Kofor Yasif village near the northern Israeli city of Akka on the Mediterranean coast at the time of his latest arrest.  Al-Umari was taken to a police station while the rest of the crew was told to stay in their cars.

Aljazeera is currently working with the Israeli police through Aljazeerae’s legal adviser to secure his release.

Al-Umari was also detained by Israeli police on Sunday night for two hours after broadcasting from Haifa.

Israeli police briefly held another Aljazeera’s correspondent, Elias Karam, near Haifa in northern Israel Sunday morning. Haifa has been repeatedly hit by Hezbollah’s rockets.

*this article was sourced by Aljazeera.net