Monday evening, a 5-year old child was killed and three members of her family were injured in Beit Lahia in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. In a separate incident, a child and his grandmother were killed; three residents were injured in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.


Palestinian sources in the Gaza Strip reported that Israeli tanks stationed on the northern borders of Beit Lahia fired at least two shells at residential towers in Al Nada neighborhood, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The sources added that several shells hit residential tower number twelve and killed Khitam Al Tayeh, 5; three members of her family were injured in the attack.

Hundreds of families living in Abraj Al Nada (Al Nada residential towers) fled their homes after they were repeatedly targeted by the military shells. Four hundreds families used to live living in Abraj Al Nada; they are currently displaced and searching for a safer area.

Also on Monday, Israeli soldiers fired a shell at a Palestinian family riding a horse-drone cart near the American School, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip; two were killed and at least three others were injured.
Local sources reported that the killed are a child and his grandmother. The two were identified as Nader Al Attar, 12, and Khairiyya Al Attar, 55. 

The sources added that several children rode the cart with their grandmother and were heading to their nearby farmland.

Earlier on Monday, three Palestinian were killed and ten others were injured after the army shells an entrance leading to residential tower number 10 in Abraj Al Nada. At least fifteen were injured, three seriously.
Dr. Muawiya Hassanen, head of the Emergency Unit at the Palestinian Ministry of Health, said that two of the killed residents were identified as Sadeq Abdul-Raouf Nasser, 27, and a nurse identified as Sa’adi Ahmad Na’im, 30.

In a separate incident, Palestinian medical sources in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza strip, reported on Monday that one resident died of wounds sustained four months ago after the Israeli army shells Rafah refugee camp.