Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, expressed shock over “the Israeli crimes against the Lebanese people”, and demanded the International Community to impose sanctions on Israel after the army killed 58 Lebanese civilians, including children, in Qana town, in Lebanon.

Haniyya stated that the “massacre in Qana and Israel’s open war” will fail to break the steadfastness of the Lebanese and Palestinian people.

In a speech in front of the Legislative Council on Sunday, Haniyya said that “the crimes Israel is carrying against the civilians, in Lebanon and Palestine, prove that Israel is not interested in any peace efforts and continues its plans of massive destruction in the area.

“Israel is threatening the security of the people and the whole region”, Haniyya added, “It is using internationally barred weapons and is deliberately targeting civilians”.  

Haniiya also said that the position of the United States is giving Israel a green light and a “blessing” for its killing of civilians and women and Lebanon and Palestine”.   

He demanded the United Nations and the Security Council to impose sanction on Israel for its violations to the International Law, and expressed hopes that the European Union and the Arab and Islamic Leagues will be able to carry measures that is capable of stopping the Israeli aggression.