Dozens of Palestinian detainees imprisoned in several Israeli prisons
and detention centers appealed humanitarian organizations to interfere
and practice pressure on the Israeli Prison Authorities in order to
provide them with the needed medical care and treatment.

The family of detainee Rami Yousef Khanfar, 30,  from Sielet Al Thaher village, south of Jenin in the northern part of the West Bank, said that their son was taken prisoner on November 30, 2005, after he was shot and injured by the army.

Rami is currently in Gilboa' detention facility suffering continuous pain in his pelvis, but the prison administration refused to transfer him to any hospital. During his arrest, Rami was shot and injured by a round of live ammunition in his left foot.

Since the day of his arrest, Rami has been barred from his visitation rights.

Bothaina Doqmaq, Lawyer of the Mandela Institute, demanded the Israeli Prison Authorities (IPS) to provide direct medical treatment for detainee Qasem Abu Mansour, 26, from Jenin in the northern part of the West Bank.

Abu Mansour several from several diseases and is not receiving any medical care or attention. He was taken prisoner on October 31, 2003, and was sentenced to four life-terms and additional twenty years imprisonment. He is currently in Gilboa' prison.   

Doqmaq also said that detainee Mahmoud Sabra, 34, from Nablus, suffers Asthma, continuous headache and an injury in his foot but is not receiving any treatment.

Detainee Moneer Hantash, 32, from Qalqilia, was taken prisoner on July 20, 2002. Hantash was shot and injured by seven rounds of live ammunition and was operated by local doctors shortly before he was abducted by the soldiers before completing his treatment at the hospital.  

He has 170 stitches in his body and his wounds are not healed yet. The IPS is not providing him with any medial treatment which caused further complication and deterioration in his health condition.

Doqmaq added that there are several detainees suffering from bad health condition and are not receiving any medical care. Doqmaq met with two other detainees, Qasem Mansour Abu 'On, and Allam Atary, both from Jenin.

Abu 'On, sentenced to four life terms and addition twenty years imprisonment. He is suffering from several diseases and is not receiving any medical care. He was taken prisoner on October 31, 2003, and was sentenced to four life-terms and additional twenty years imprisonment.

Meanwhile, detainee Atary suffers from a disease in his eyes and was not examined by any physician.

Palestinian detainees carried repeated hunger strikes demanding the IPS to improve their conditions, stop the attacks against them and provide them with the needed medical attention. The detainees demand Israeli to implement the international law and grant them their rights.

The Palestinian Prisoner Society reported that 173 Palestinian detainees died in Israeli prisons since 1967. Most of them died of medical neglect, several others died during torture and while others were shot and injured in the course of their arrest and were not provided with any medical treatment.