Religious leaders staged sit-ins Sunday in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in protest of the Fateh – Hamas fighting. Chief Palestinian Justice Sheikh Taysir Tamimi issued the call to Sharia court and Muslim leaders to join together and make public their “severe displeasure” regarding the current state of affairs.


The leaders gathered in Ramallah and in Gaza City and issued a nationalist and religious appeal.


1.Fateh and Hamas must immediately cease hostilities in order to spare the Palestinian people and their children who have made great sacrifices for the homeland and holy sites and who have suffered grave repercussions and horrors under occupation throughout decades of killing, destruction, displacement, arrests and sacrilege.


2.We emphasize the inviolability of Palestinian blood in the eyes of God.


3.We call for an end to all armed rallies in the Palestinian street and the for the criminalization of bearing arms in the face of ones brother in religion and nation. Factional interests cannot destroy the security of our people which serves our enemies.



4.We call on all security agencies to not become part of political and factional differences, for the greatest task is the fundamental charge to provide security and safety, and to defend the people and holy places of the nation.


5.We call for a return to dialgoue to reach a solution to the problems and differences between parties and for the speedy formation of a national unity government.This will ease the suffering of our people and unify efforts to achieve freedom and independence.


6.We call on wise and honorable people to intervene to reconcile differences.


7.We remind our brothers in the two movements and all the Palestinian factions that the Al Aqsa Mosque and the holy city of Jerusalem are under grave threat of demolition and Judaization. The central focus of the conflict between us and the occupation is its plan to Judaize the site of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, for which it is taking advantage of the current fragmented situation and fighting between brothers and comrades in arms.


8.In the name of the blood of those killed and the sacrifices of the prisoners, we call for an end to fighting and a return to dialogue and Qur'anic verse.


The religious leader demonstrated at 11:00 this morning in Ramallah and at noon in Gaza City.