The Israeli army invaded the village of Rummana village, west of Jenin city in the northern Part of the West Bank and killed one Islamic Jihad operative on Sunday at dawn.

Palestinian sources reported that Israeli soldiers has killed 30-year-old Osaid Amur, one of the Islamic Jihad activists, in cold blood in front of his family in Rummana village, after asking him to approach them. Amur's brother told the PalestineInfo web site that a special Israeli army unit was waiting for Osaid to return home.

Osaid was accompanying his family back home when the troops ambushed him in front of his home. The brother said that the soldiers asked Osaid to come closer to them then fired at him at a close range killing him instantly with two bullets in the head and chest, Palestine info reported.

Sources close to Amur's family stated that Osaid has been wanted by the Israeli army for the past six years, and his younger brother Mohammed is currently serving a 20-month imprisonment term in the Negev military detention camp.