Palestinian media sources said Saturday that six people were wounded during renewed clashes between Fatah and Hamas supporters in different parts of Gaza this morning. Palestinian media sources said Saturday that six people were wounded during renewed clashes between Fatah and Hamas supporters in different parts of Gaza today morning.

Palestinian security sources confirmed that clashes erupted in the vicinity of the Islamic university of Gaza and the Ansar security compound to the west of the city.

In the meantime, the Haams-led government denounced yesterday a statement by the international Quartet for Middle East peace (United States, United Nations, Russia, the European Union), following a meeting of foreign ministers.

A Palestinian Foreign Ministry statement read that the Quartet’s decision to continue boycotting the Palestinian government would not help bring about security, stability and calm but would rather double the Palestinian people’s suffering.

The statement, however, hailed the Russian Foreign Minister’s remarks in which he called for dealing with Hamas.

The Palestinian Presidency spokesman, Nabil Abu Rodaina, called for lifting the siege being imposed on the Palestinian people as well as accelerating implementation of the Road Map peace plan.

The Quartet met on Friday at a ministerial level and expressed deep concern over continued violence in the Palestinian territories, while reiterating it’s boycott of the Hamas-led government unless the latter meets the Quartet’s demands of renouncing violence, recognizing Israel and accepting past signed peace agreements.