Organized by the Palestinian Farmers Association, a human chain was created in Ramallah on Saturday midday reaching from the Presidential Office to the Palestinian Legislative Council building. Organized by the Palestinian Farmer’s Association, a human chain was created in Ramallah on Saturday midday reaching from the Presidential Office to the Palestinian Legislative Council building.

Demonstrators marched near the tomb of the late President Yasser Arafat and held posters up in protest of the fighting between the two rival parties Fatah and Hamas.

The President of the Farmer’s Association, Ibrahim Deik, called on the presidency and the government to return to dialogue and finish the details of a national unity government.

Among other things, he called for all concerned parties to stop incitement in media campaigns, to withdraw all armed persons from the streets, and for security services to take responsibility for the protection of the Palestinian people.

Leftist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader and PLC member, Bassam As Salhi, called for attention to be paid to the concerns of laborers and farmers. He said, ‘The Palestinian people elected the 132 member Council and the President. They have the real power’.

He added that if no agreement is reached in Mecca, the call will go out for massive civil disobedience that will begin on Tuesday.

The official spokesperson of the Fateh movement, Ahmed Abdul-Rahman, said ‘The beneficiary of shedding Palestinian blood, destroying houses and scorching the country, is certainly not Palestinian’.
He expressed fear for the upcoming generation and spoke to the memory of the late President whose death the national community seems yet to have recovered from.

The Gaza Strip still suffers form the fierce clashes between supporters of Fatah and Hamas and their security forces. In a report that was published by Palestinian medical sources the number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza strip and the West Bank due to infighting have mounted so far to at lest 100 since the beginning of 2007 and more than 270 injured, among those figures are children and women.