Palestinian media sources reported that a Palestinian civilian was shot dead and several others were wounded Thursday by Israeli army gunfire in the West Bank city of Jericho.

The sources said that Israeli soldiers stationed at a military outpost in an area overlooking the city opened fire at a number of local Palestinians, killing one and wounding two others.

Palestinian medics identified the fatality as Aziz Hamed Almatour, 29, while no information was available about the other wounded people.

Al Almatour is from Sa'ir village, near the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

Palestinian security sources confirmed that the Israeli army took the victim’s dead body to an unknown destination.

The Israeli army maintains military control over large parts of the West Bank and continues construction of a notorious "separation barrier"- Illegal Wall-  around various West Bank cities, towns, villages and refugee camps.

Israel occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip during the Israeli-Arab war in June, 1967.