The Israeli occupation demolished 51 residential and commercial buildings in the occupied city of Jerusalem, during April, Al Ray reports.

In a monthly report monitoring Israeli violations in the city, Wadi Hilwah Information Center said that the Israeli municipality had increased the demolitions process during the past month in Jerusalem, under the pretext of “building without a license,” at a time when conditions and prohibitive restrictions were imposed for obtaining a “building permission”.

It also reported that 11 installations were demolished by their own owners. This process included 10 residential houses, 5 rooms, 26 pen of cattle, 2 fences, 2 parking spaces, residential stores, two warehouses, a balcony, a commercial facility and a residential building.

The report also pointed to the demolition of 23 installations in Jabal al-Mukaber, 7 in Soor Baher, 11 in Silwan, 3 in Shu’fat camp, 3 om tuba, 3 in Old Jerusalem, and 1 in Beit Hanina.

(photo: Alternative Information Center)