Khalid Mashal the President of the Hamas political bureau expressed dissatisfaction towards the Arabic and International communities silence towards the continued daily attacks on the Palestinians by Israeli.Mashal also expressed his condolences to the Hamas leader in Gaza Mahmoud Al Zahar whose son was killed during Israels continued attacks on the Gaza Strip

The Hamas official said Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmhert is trying to keep his Government together by attacking the Palestinian people with American cover and no response from the other Arab countries.

Ehud Olmhert faced a lot of criticism from many ministers in his Government when he announced earlier this week that core issues will be discussed under negotiations with the Palestinians.

Core issues, which have been a stumbling block of previous peace agreements includes refugees, Jerusalem, political prisoners, water, settlements and security.

Regarding the national day of mourning yesterday Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, Mashal said the Palestinian Authority must stop the negotiations with the Israelis and until Israel stops its attacks on Palestinian areas and puts a hold on all settlement activity.

Mashal also called for Palestinian unity and demanded all factions to go back to the national dialogue adding that the Arab countries must stand as one to break the siege on Gaza and support the Palestinian cause.