Top Palestinian negotiator, Ahmad Qurai, said that underway negotiations with Israel are focused on most complicated issues and need much more exerted efforts by Palestinians.

‘ negotiations are still preliminary and did not reach climax, while the issues being raised are the most complicated ones and need more Palestinian efforts’, Qurai was quoted yesterday by Media sources as saying.

Qurai confirmed that any progress on such peace talks with the Israelis by the end of this year is likely, only on two basis ; a strong will by both sides and more international and regional involvement in the process.

During a meeting in Ramallah with U.S Secretary’s official, David Walsh, Qurai pointed out possibility of reaching peace, security and stability in the region by the end of 2008.

The Palestinian negotiator told his guest that peace can not achieved unless Palestinian legitimate rights involving supremacy over 1967 borders and east Jerusalem as a capital of future Palestinian state are maintained.

On other issue, Qurai reiterated the Palestinian Authority’s willingness to hold responsibility for Gaza’s crossings, particularly the Rafah crossing terminal, where Egypt has a say.

He affirmed that Palestinian-Egytian ties are strong enough and can not be destabilized. Such remarks come after the January23’s flooding by Gazans into nearby Egypt amidst a crippling Israeli closure of the coastal region since has taken control over there in June2007.

Recently, media sources reported that Ahmad Qurai and Israeli foreign minister, Tzibi Livni, have been holding secret talks on core Palestinian-Israeli negotiations issues, including status of Jerusalem, borders of Palestinian state and problem of Palesinian refugees.

In November of last year, U.S President, Gorge W. Bush hosted a Palestinian-Israeli summit meeting called Annapolis, in which Bush urged both sides to revive stalled peace process of basis of a two-state solution to be reached before his term comes to an end by 2008.