The Palestinian health ministry of the ruling Hamas party in Gaza said today that 71 percent of Gaza’s children are suffering from malnutrition and that 35 children have died because of the Israel-enforced siege.
‘ the Israeli closure of Gaza has caused the death of 124 Palestinian patients as medications needed for treatment have been made scarce’, a statement read.

The statement explained that more than 71 percent of Gaza’s children have been suffering from malnutrition due to lack of essential food items, given the Israeli closure of travel and commercial crossings.

The ministry made clear that continuation of the Israeli siege would mean a ‘predetermined’ death penalty to thousands of awaiting patients, wondering of what it termed ‘silence of the civilized world towards the growing death toll of such patients and children.

‘ Does the world want to see Palestinian men, women and children dead, in order for it to move?’, the statement wondered.

The Hamas-run health department also appealed to the international community to intervene immediately for lifting the current Israeli embargo on the coastal enclave, enforced since June2007.

The Israeli closure of Gaza has created unprecedented economic conditions, with more than 80 percent of Gaza’s 1.5 million residents are now dependent entirely on UN food assistance.