Palestinian sources in Balata refugee camp, in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, reported on Sunday that Palestinian youth set the vehicle of Nablus governor, Jamal Mheisin, on fire after exchanging fire with his guards as he visited the camp. The car was completely burnt and the fire also damaged electricity wires in the area causing a power shortage which affected several areas in the camp.

Eyewitnesses reported that the incident took place as the governor was about to leave the camp after participating in a celebration for Yazour Charitable Society in the camp. He also visited the house of a Palestinian detainee imprisoned by Israel and sentenced to a life-term.

Initially, several youth hurled stones at the governor’s vehicle before setting it on fire. Exchange of fire between the guards and some gunmen was reported and four youth were injured during the ensuing clashes.

 The governor stated that he insists to implement his security plan in Nablus district and confirmed that the assailants will be apprehended and prosecuted.

He added that the gunmen who opened fire at his vehicle are not members of Fateh movement, and that armed resistance fighters are not responsible for this attack “since their guns are only meant to resisting the occupation”.

He added that the person who is behind burning the car is known to the security devices as he was previously detained by Palestinian security devices and handed his gun to them.  

In an interview with a local TV station in Nablus, Mheisin said that what happened is an assault against Nablus city, its villages and camps.

He also said that the security plan will be implemented until security is restored and chaos is ended.