After Israeli forces dropped a missile on the vehicle of a Reuters cameraman, killing 12, the head of the Reuters News Agency issued a statement condemning the attack, and calling for an investigation.

The Agency stated that the murdered cameraman, Fadel Shana, 23, had been working for Reuters as a cameraman for three years.  According to Reuters, Shana was on his way to cover an incident when the vehicle he was travelling in broke down. As Shana was getting out, an explosion killed him and two bystanders, witnessed by local residents. His soundman, also in the vehicle, escaped serious injury.


Shana was described by Alastair Macdonald, bureau chief for Israel and the Palestinian territories, as a gentle soul, happy and extremely bright, and one of the most skilled cameramen in Gaza, who will be missed greatly by all his colleagues.


Reuters Editor-in-Chief David Schlesinger called for an investigation into the incident and said Reuters thoughts were with the family.


“This tragic incident shows the risks journalists take every day to report the news. All governments and organizations have a responsibility to take the utmost care to protect professionals trying to do their jobs,” he said.


“Our thoughts are with his family. We request an immediate investigation into the incident by the Israeli defense forces.”


The Israeli military commented only that they had carried out an operation, and "hit the target".