The Maan News Agency reported on Tuesday that Yasser Arafat Bloc of Fateh movement achieved an overwhelming victory at Al Quds University – Abu Dis, east of Jerusalem. The Yasser Arafat Bloc – named after the late Palestinian President, won 44 out of 62 seats.

A leftist bloc belonging to the Popular Front For The Liberation of Palestine, won six seats, the Palestinian National Initiative won 3, the Islamic Group won 3 and another leftist bloc won three seats.

It is worth mentioning that only 50.7% of the students voted this year in comparison to 67.7% last year, as Hamas movement refrained from participating in the elections this year.

Students Struggle Bloc, Progressive Students Union Bloc and Fida Bloc did not won any seats.

Furthermore, the Islamic Bloc which belongs to Hamas in the Hebron University, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, decided to participate in the election which will be held on Wednesday.

Sources in Hamas said that the Bloc is expected to achieve an overwhelming victory in these elections “in spite of ongoing attacks against the bloc by the Israeli army and Palestinian security forces”, the sources said.