Palestinian Human Rights sources reported on Thursday that detainee Israr Al Barghouthi, 30, who was wounded prior to his abduction by the Israeli army, is in a bad health condition due to a blood infection, and is currently isolated in a room in Al Ramla Prison hospital. Recently a dangerous virus spread in Al Ramla prison and the prison doctors refuse to reveal any information about it.

Israr, from Kobar village north west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, was kidnapped by the Israeli army after being shot in his legs. He was wounded when the soldiers fired at him rounds of the international barred dumdum bullets which explode after penetrating the body.

 The army initially took Al Barghouthi to Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem where he was operated seven times and was given 21 units of blood. He remained unconscious for 56 days and then was placed in Al Ramla Prison Hospital for three weeks.

Since the day of his kidnapping, his family was not allowed to visit him expect once when only his mother was granted a permit after intervention from the Red Cross. Yet, she was only allowed to visit him for five minutes.

The family of Al Barghouthi voiced an appeal to the International Human Rights groups to intervene and ensure proper medical treatment for their wounded son.     

–          Dumdum bullets are known as “expanding bullets” as they are designed to expand on impact. It usually fragments upon impact and causes a larger wound in addition to causes greater damage to the vessels, grater blood loss and trauma.