The Palestine president Mahmoud Abbas opened the first round of meetings on Wednesday of the three day Palestine Investment Conference in the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Abbas thanked everyone who has supported the Palestinian national economy. During his speech President Abbas said that ‘East Jerusalem belongs to us and we’ll get it back sooner or later.’ Abbas also hoped that Hamas will end it control over Gaza.

‘Our hands are extended to all those who want safety and security , we say to them they should end their actions and return to a legitimate government. The Palestinian President added that legislative and presidential elections will be held soon.

Delegates will continue to meet later on Wednesday on tell Friday.

Bernard Simpson a Canadian investor told IMEMC that he hops that real project will be implemented “ I hope will make real work on the ground, the political situation will change if the economy is supported.”

Nimier Ben Ali, A Jordanian business man attending the conference, told IMEMC that he will invest in Palestinian “ I have project ready to be implemented in the northern West Bank, we just need the Israeli army to allow the movement of our goods.