The Israeli authorities reopened on Sunday the Eritz checkpoint in northern Gaza Strip to allow entry of patients in need of medical care outside of Gaza, Israeli media sources reported.

Israeli radio reported that those who will be granted access are emergency cases of patients in need of medical referral outside of Gaza.

Israel closed the Eritz checkpoint last week in the wake of a failed suicide Palestinian attack on the crossing, which is the main passage for Gaza’s 1.5 residents to the West Bank , East Jerusalem and Israel.

Meanwhile, head of the Palestinian petroleum authority, Ahmad Ali, stated that the Israeli authorities resumed shipments of fuel into Gaza but in unknown quantities.

‘ Since the early hours of today morning, three fuel trucks have been shipped with gasoline, cooking gas and industrial crude fuel’, said Ali.

He added that the Palestinian side is awaiting until the end of the day to make sure whether the resumption will continue?.

He made clear that there has been sharp shortage of fuel in gas stations in Gaza and that what is available are limited quantities, being distributed in form of coupons to authorized taxi caps.

In June of last year, Israel imposed a strict border closure on the Gaza Strip after the elected Islamist Hamas party seized control over there. Since then, Israel has been limiting shipments of fuel, food items and raw materials into the coastal Strip.