Palestinian sources reported on Sunday that an Israeli peace activist was wounded and three supporters were detained after the Israeli army attacked a peaceful protest conducted by the activists at the entrance of Al Sammoa’ village, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron.The activists were protesting against the Israeli military roadblocks in the occupied West Bank.
The sources added that one Israeli peace activists suffered fractures in her arm and bruises in several parts of her body after the soldiers severely clubbed her.

Troops also arrested three supporters and detained dozens at the police station in Keryat Arba’ settlement in Hebron.

The attacks took place after dozens of Israeli peace activists and local Palestinians of the Committee Against the Settlement held a peaceful protest south of Hebron in protest to a new military roadblock which was installed in the area.

The protesters carried signed against the occupation and roadblocks and chanted slogans calling to peace and coexistence.

The army responded by surrounding the protest area and completely isolating it before attacking the protesters and using excessive force against them.

It is worth mentioning that dozens of Israeli peace activists from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and several other areas attempted to travel to Hebron to participate in the protest but were stopped at roadblocks and were forced back.

In a recent report, the United Nations issued a report stating that roadblocks in the West Bank have increased by 7% in the last eight months.