Three fighters of the aL-Qassam brigades, the armed wing of the ruling Hamas party in Gaza have been reportedly shot and wounded by the Israeli army in southern Gaza.
Medical sources said that the at least two wounded people were admitted Sunday morning to the Naser hospital in Khan Younis city to the south of Gaza Strip.

Witnesses said that a column of Israeli tanks rolled earlier on Sunday morning into the aL-Qarrara village, east of Khan Younis city, on Israel-Gaza border line.

Witnesses added that accompanying bulldozers began razing vast areas of Palestinian-owned farm lands, as local resistance fighters attempted to force the tanks back by opening heavy fire.

Israeli media sources sad that one Israeli soldier during today’s invasion was moderately wounded.

Israeli army ground invasions and air strikes have increased over the pat week, as the crippling Israeli blockade on the coastal region entered its 12 moth.