On Tuesday the Israeli housing minister Ze'ev Boim told media that the Israeli Prime Minister Ehod Olmert has approved plans to build 884 new housing units for settlers in east Jerusalem.

Boim said that Olmert had approved the project before leaving for the USA  on Monday night for talks with President Bush regarding joint defense issues to counter the Iran nuclear program.

Israel published the new plan on Monday which is yet another violation of International Law.

The White House and United Nations expressed concerns over the Israels plan to build 844 new homes for settlers in occupied East Jerusalem.

Dana Perino, White House spokeswoman, stated that the Unites States does not believe that more settlements should be built as this issue creates tension in peace talks with Palestinians.

She added that the expansion of existing settlements in East Jerusalem is  part of the problem as Palestinians feel that Israel is not serious about peace  and that it  “is not acting in good faith”.

United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, also expressed deep concern over the issue and added that the Israeli government has not halted settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territory, which violates  international law and Israel’s commitments to the Road Map peace plan and the Annapolis summit.