The spokesman of the Popular Committee Against the Israeli Siege on Gaza, Rami Abedah, said that two Palestinian patients have died on Saturday due to the ongoing Israeli siege.

Abedah identified the two as Lotfi Al Buhiyssi, 57, who had a heart disease and Faten Al Maqwasi, 48 who was suffering from kidney failure.

Both had applied to leave Gaza for medical care but the Israeli army rejected their requests. The Israeli army has placed the Palestinian coastal region under total siege in June 2007. With those two dead today, the number of the Palestinian patients who died because of Israel's refusal to allow them medical care outside the Gaza Strip has now reached 182 according to the Popular Committee Against the Israeli Siege on Gaza.

The European Campaign to end the 'Siege' on Gaza issued a report last Monday stating that the 11 month siege of Gaza led to the death of 32 patients in May alone.

According to the report there are 1329 other patients suffering from chronic diseases and are at risk due to the lack of essential medicine and equipment to treat their conditions.