Israeli security sources reported on Saturday that at least 150 Palestinians, members and supporters of Fateh movement, fled the Gaza Strip into Israel after clashing with Palestinian security forces run by Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip. Among the Palestinians who fled into Israel, Ahmad Hallas, a prominent Fateh leader in the Gaza Strip.

The sources added that nine of the Palestinians were wounded by the Hamas security forces and were moved to Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon and Soroka hospital in Be’er Shiva.  

An Israeli security official stated that the Fateh supporters were allowed into Israel through the Eretz and the Nahal Oz crossings after intensive talks between the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank, the Israeli Defense Ministry and Egyptian officials.

The official added that Israel will arrest any person who is listed as wanted.

Earlier on Saturday, Israel sources stated that the army allowed members of Hallas family into Israel and that Israeli military jeeps where waiting for them at the Nahal Oz Crossing.

The incident took place after the Hamas-controlled security forces clashed on Saturday morning with members of Hallas family which supports Fateh movement in Al Shujaeya neighborhood in Gaza city; four members of the family were killed and ten others were wounded.

The clashes initially took place when Hamas gunmen and security personnel broke into the house of Ahmad Hallas, a prominent Fateh leader, and arrested every person who was there.

Some members of the family were wounded by Israel military fire when they fled Gaza and headed towards the Nahal OZ Crossing.

The Hamas-security forces managed to control the area on Saturday evening; during the clashes four Palestinians were killed, and at least 80, including 12 children, were wounded. Some of the injuries were described as serious.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) considered these incidents as insane and stated that the outcome would have a negative impact on the future situation on the internal conditions in Gaza.

PFLP legislator, Jamil Al Majdalawi, demanded Hamas forces in Gaza to stop their campaign in Al Shujaeyya and to resort to legal means in ending the conflict.

Meanwhile, Hamas legislator Mosheer Al Masry, stated that the movement will soon carry executions against “collaborators and traitors who were found guilty by a court of law”, according to Al Masry.