In an interview with the Italian Daily, La Repubblica, Jordan’s King Abdullah II, said that the United States seems to be focusing on the Iranian issue more than it is focusing on the Middle East peace process. The king added that while the Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains a serious threat to the stability of the region, the goal of achieving peace seems to be distancing,

He said that the officials in Washington are talking about Iran over and over again to the extent that it seems Iran is all what they talk about.

The King added that there should be a progress in the peace process and a two-state solution must be reached over the next year.

He warned that further delays mean that the chances of establishing a Palestinian state will fade away as Israeli settlements are swallowing Palestinian lands.

“If no deal is reached by 2010, if Israel continues to reject a two-state solution, the lands would be fully divided into cantons due to Israeli settlements, and the possibility of peace will disappear”, King Abdullah said.

He added that United States and the European Union must practice pressure on Israel to resume peace talks with the Palestinians.

“The U.S. should have done more, I expected so”, he stated, “Envoy George Mitchell visited the region seven times recently, nothing happened”.

He further stated that settlements are illegal under the international law, and that the United States must ensure Israel halts all of its settlement activities.