Israeli soldiers kidnapped on Friday morning five Palestinian security officers near the West Bank city of Salfit. Israel confirmed the arrests but did not provide details on the circumstances. The five kidnapped officials are senior officers in the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, including Salfit region security commander, Mohammad Abdul-Hamid.

Israeli Ynet News reported that the army demanded the Palestinian Authority to arrest an additional security officer who was not kidnapped by the Israeli forces.

Sources within the Palestinian Authority said that the arrests are an attempt to weaken the Palestinian Authority, particularly due to the Palestinian stance of not holding talks with Israel while it is ongoing with its settlement activities in the occupied territories.

Other sources said that the arrests might be related to an investigation the P.A is conducting against a man believed to be collaborating with Israel.

It is worth mentioning that Palestinian President said during a Friday interview with BBC-Arabic that there can be no peace with Israel while it is ongoing with the construction of settlements.