The Tadamun (Solidarity) human rights institution reported that the Israeli Prison Authorities renewed the administrative detention against member of Nablus City Council, Dr. Majida Fidda, for additional three months without charges or trial.The pharmacist, Dr. Fidda was kidnapped by the Israeli forces on August 6, 2009. She was interrogated for a short time before she was moved to administrative detention.

Dr. Fidda was first kidnapped by the army in 2005, and was subjected to a lengthy period of interrogation and torture before she was placed under administrative detention for six months.

On August 6, 2009, the army broke into the home of Dr. Fidda, searched and ransacked it, and confiscated her laptop before kidnapping her.

She was the seventh member of Nablus City Council to be kidnapped by the Israeli army. Soldiers first kidnapped Nablus Mayor Adli Yaish, his deputy Mahdi Al Hanbaly, Khould Al Masry, Husam Qatalouni, Anan Ghazal and Abdul-Jabbar Dweikat.