Israeli sources reported Saturday evening that one soldier was mildly wounded during clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian residents at the entrance of the Shufat refugee camp. Clashes were also reported in al Esawiyya town,in east Jerusalem. Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets and gas bombs at Palestinian protesters at the main entrance of the Shufat refugee camp, north of Jerusalem.

Also, clashes were reported in Al Esawiyya town after it was attacked by the Israeli police.

The clashes took place as the residents were protesting against the army for breaking into the yards of the Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday.

Furthermore, thousands of Israeli leftist peace activists and Arab residents held a protest on Saturday evening in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

The protest was held to express rejection and condemnation to the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinians in East Jerusalem, and the illegal orders to demolish Palestinian homes in the city.

Fundamentalist settlers also held a protest in Sheikh Jarrah, in East Jerusalem, and chanted against the Arab presence in Sheikh Jarrah and in East Jerusalem, and in support to demolishing Arab homes. Chanted slogans against the Arab and calling for removing them from East Jerusalem.

Dozens of settlers participated in the protest and chanted against the Arabs.

The Israeli government is determined to continue its violations in Jerusalem as Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said that “Israel has the right to build Jewish settlements in the city”.

Also, the so-called Jewish Heritage Trail, approved by the government of Netanyahu, is a serious violation against Arab and Muslim Holy Sites especially in East Jerusalem, Hebron and Bethlehem.

Part of the Israeli plan is to consider the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron and the Bilal Mosque in Bethlehem and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem as part of the heritage trail.