The British Authorities will be formally accusing the Israeli Mossad of forging British passports that were used by some of the assassins who killed Hamas officials Mahmoud Al Madbouh in Dubai in January. 15 of the suspects carried British passports and the British body investigating the issue decided accuse the Mossad of forging British passports, the Daily Telegraph reported.

The Telegraph added that Israel’s Ambassador to London, Ron Proser, was summoned by the British Foreign Office on Monday and was briefed on the findings of the investigation.

The Dubai Police conducted extensive investigations and officially accused Israel of assassinating Al Madbouh at his hotel room.

Using closed circuit video, the Police managed to identify 26 assassins who entered Dubai using forged European and Australian passports. At least 16 of the suspects are Israelis who immigrated from different European countries and hold dual citizenships; six of them are British, others are Irish, German, and French.

The United Kingdom, Australia and France officially protested the use of fake passports that belong to their citizens of their countries.

Furthermore, the Edmonton Journal reported that some speculations indicate that Britain would expel a senior Israeli diplomat to express its seriousness.

The parliament in Britain is expected to receive a ministerial statement formally accusing Israel’s Security Services of forging 15 British passports.