An African immigrant trying to infiltrate to Israel through the border with Egypt died of a heart attack, while 28 others were detained by the Egyptian Border Police.Egyptian sources reported that Yousef Jabrity, 28, from Ethiopia, died during interrogation at an Egyptian Military Base in Al Arish. He was detained by the Egyptian
Border Police on Thursday.

Furthermore, the Egyptian Border Police captured 25 immigrants from Africa while trying to illegally cross into Israel. 6 of them were arrested near border maker 12, south of Kerem Shalom Crossing; four of them are Eritrean, one Sudanese and one Ethiopian.

One Ethiopian man was detained near border makers #8, and eighteen others were detained near border makers 40, 41, 45, and 48.

They all confessed that they intended to infiltrate into Israeli to seek work. Each of them paid over 1000 US Dollars to the smugglers.