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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday October 3rd, 2011

Israeli settlers torch a mosque in the Galilee and a boy is injured in the Gaza Strip, these stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

A group of extremists Israeli Settlers burnt on Sunday at night a mosque at the entrance of Toba Zanghriyya village, in the Galilee, and wrote “Price Tag” and “Revenge” on its walls.

The fire spread through the mosque, consuming most of its property, while hundreds of village residents rushed and managed to extinguish the fire.

Following the attack, the villagers held a protest march in the streets, confirming that they will not be silenced. A number of youth also burnt tires and closed the main entrance of the village.

In early September, Israeli settlers torched a mosque in Qasra village near Nablus, and wrote similar graffiti as well.

Staying in the West Bank, Israeli bulldozers started to level Palestinian agricultural lands in al-Walaja village, northwest of Bethlehem.

The mayor of al-Walaja, Saleh Khalifa, stated that a large unit of the Israeli army, accompanied by bulldozers, invaded the village last night and closed all its entrances with intensive military measures.

Khalifa also said that the Israeli bulldozers leveled lands in the northwestern part of the village and uprooted one hundred olive and fig trees in order to expand the Annexation Wall.

In other news, thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails who are on hunger strike for the seventh day.

The Hunger strike started September 27, in protest of the way they are treated by the Israeli jail administration in most of the jails. A Large demonstration was organized in Nablus during which, marchers carried singes demanding the release of the all the Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

There are around 8000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, many of them are imprisoned without trial, and others are serving very long terms.

In the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian child was shot and wounded by Israeli army gun fire, Monday morning.

Coordinator of medical services Adham Abu Salmeyeh reported that the child, age 16, was fired upon by the Israeli army and wounded in the leg while collecting scrap metal in the eastern part of Gaza.

Abu Salmeyeh described the boy’s wounds as moderate and added that he was transferred to the hospital for treatment.

That was just some of the news from Palestine Today, for more updates; please visit our website at Thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem. This report has been brought to you by Hussam Qassis and me, George Rishmawi.