An official source in Hamas confirmed that the captors of Gilad Shalit have informed him of his impending release in the upcoming days, the Ma’an News Agency reported.An Israeli broadcaster reported that the source stated that the soldier Shalit was extremely surprised by the notification. The source also added that Shalit’s captors have prepared new clothes for him, and have shaved his beard in preparation of his delivery to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The same source explained that the representatives of the Red Cross will not be able to visit Shalit in his place of detention before the swap is completed.

An Israeli organisation, “The Victims of Terrorism (Almagor)” provided the first legal objection to the deal intending to return the captured soldier.

In this regard, the organization sent a petition to the Israeli High Court of Justice. The petition stated that “the deal is being implemented quickly enough to prevent any protest, which we accordingly call for the postponement of its implementation.”