The Minister of Detainees and Ex-detainees Affairs, Issa Qaraqe’, stated on Monday the 17th of October, that the deal is unilateral and party-directed, the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) reported.He explained in a speech with the “Voice of Palestine”, broadcast on Monday, that the deal excluded old detainees like Kareem Younis, in addition to several leaders who exude strong symbolism, like Ahmad Saadat and Marwan Al-Barghouthi.

He added that Hamas started negotiations about the deal in a secret manner, and did not consult anybody, nor asked for further information about the detainees.

Qaraqe’ also stated that ‘it is unfair that the deal did not secure the release of all female detainees from Israeli prisons’.

Furthermore, the minister warned that the situation of the hunger-striking detainees is gradually deteriorating. pointing out that the Ministry of Detainees has asked the Red Cross to visit Ahmad Saadat, who was brought to hospital last night, after his health took a turn for the worse.