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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday October 19th, 2011

Several arrests were made across the West Bank, and warm welcomes are received by the exiled detainees in their new host countries, these stories and more coming up; so stay tuned.

Whilst celebrations continue over the return of the initial 477 detainees, the Israeli Army made several arrests across the West Bank.

The arrests occurred mainly in the southern part of the West Bank, in the Hebron village of Beit U’mmar, and Yatta village. Israeli sources have confirmed the arrest of Khader Abu Hashem, 44, along with three others whose names are yet to be confirmed.

The army is reported to have confiscated three computers, and 50 rounds of ammunition.

Khaled Mashal, head of the Hamas Movement’s Political Bureau in Damascus, has called on President Mahmoud Abbas to hold a meeting with Hamas in Cairo next week, with the aim to conclude all outstanding issues, which are delaying the full implementation of the Palestinian reconciliation agreement.

Speaking in Gaza, the movement declared a national wedding day in celebration of the detainees returning home.

Of those who have been freed to the West Bank and Gaza, Israeli officials have stated that they will be imposing harsh restrictions on those freed to the West Bank, such as regular reports to the nearest military base, along with increased restrictions on travel in and around the West Bank.

Breaking of these measures will result in immediate imprisonment.

However not all detainees are returning home, and those exiled have now been received by their host countries in Qatar, Syria, Turkey and Jordan.

Parties awaited them, such as in Syria where thousands of Palestinians and Syrians welcomed them with waiving flags at the airport.

Ex-detaine Mohammad Mansour Ziyada, expelled an Israeli TV journalist, from Channel Two, for attempting to interview him near his home in Al-Waha Al-Khadra’.

He entered the celebration tent erected, and attempted to interview Ziyada.

Ziyada told him that they would not welcome him, nor make any interviews with him, stating that due to him being labelled a terrorist for years he will never welcome the Israeli press.

The reporter remained silent and left the tent.

Ziyada was arrested in 1987 with his friend Bergal. They were both released in the prisoner exchange.

Dmitri Dalyani, Member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, has been arrested by the Israeli Military, and has since been moved to Al-Masqubia detention centre for interrogation.

The Fatah Movement in East Jerusalem has accused Israel of targeting Palestinian leaders, who are only performing their national duty towards their land, people and holy sites.

The movement issued an appeal for human rights organizations to put an end to the Israeli attacks against Palestinian intellectuals and journalists.

Palestinian Christians in East Jerusalem condemned the detention of Dalyani, and described the act as barbarous.
They added that they will continue to resist Israel, and hold a series of protests until Dalyani is freed

That was just some of the news from Palestine Today, for more updates; please visit our website at Thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem. This report has been brought to you by Hussam Qassis and me William Gibson.