Israeli forces closed the western entrance of An-Nabi Saleh village, North West of the West Bank city of Ramallah, and prevented citizens from entering or leaving the village, the Palestine News & Info Agency (WAFA) reported Friday afternoon.Eyewitnesses claimed that the Israeli soldiers were searching the vehicles, interrogating citizens over their IDs, and prevented anybody from going in or out of the village.

The closure hinders Palestinian citizens from travelling to the villages located to the west of the city of Ramallah, such as: Beit Rima, Deir Ghassanah, Kafr Ein and Kafr Id-Dik. The village is the main route that Palestinians go through to get to the city of Salfit.

This escalation came to prevent Palestinians and international anti-separation wall activists from participating in the weekly non-violent demonstrations against the Israeli annexation wall, as well as continual Israeli settlement construction.