Palestinian sources reported Friday that clashes took place between dozens of youths at the Al-Aqsa mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, and Israeli soldiers who fired gas bombs at them leading to several injuries. The clashes took place following the Friday noon prayers at the mosque.Eyewitnesses reported that the youth hurled stones at the soldiers who were extensively deployed in the area preventing hundreds from entering the mosque. The soldiers fired gas bombs and concussion grenades; several residents suffocated after inhaling gas fired by the army.

The Al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage reported that dozens of soldiers broke into the area of the main mosque, Al Masjid Al-Qibli, and attacked dozens of protestors causing several injuries and leading to clashes.

The Foundation added that undercover forces of the Israeli army were also deployed on the rooftop of the Al-Qibli mosque and chased dozens of protestors.

It is worth mentioning that thousands of Palestinians headed to the Al-Aqsa mosque for Friday prayers amidst threats by Israeli extremists to break into the mosque “to prove ownership” according to the extremists.

Israel also intensified its military and security arrangement in occupied East Jerusalem and around the Al-Aqsa mosque, and prevented hundreds from reaching it.