Three Palestinian civilians were injured on Tuesday midday by Israeli gunfire in northern Gaza Strip while in the early morning hours Israeli troops stormed homes in a number of West Bank communities and arrested one civilian.
Witnesses told local news agency WAFA that the three men were going back home after participating in the funeral of two men that were killed last night by Israeli shelling.

Israeli forces opened fire at them injuring all three, witnesses added. Medical sources said that the three men were moved to a local hospital after sustaining moderate wounds.

This attack on Tuesday midday comes shortly after Egypt mediated a truce between Gaza Palestinian groups and Israel ending the recent wave of Israeli escalation which claimed that lives of 25 Palestinians since Friday. 45 Palestinians were injured in the recent Israeli escalation, mostly women and children.

In the West Bank on Tuesday, Israeli troops invaded a number of Palestinian communities and searched homes before arresting one civilian. Local sources reported invasions and home searches in the cities of Jenin and Nablus, northern West Bank, in the central West Bank city of Ramallah and Hebron city, southern West Bank.