Political Prisoner Amer Bahar, from Abu Dis near occupied East Jerusalem, is reportedly suffering from a serious illness that requires care beyond the provisions of a prison clinic. Bahr was visited by the head of the legal unit of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS), lawyer Jawad Boulos, who confirmed that the PPS will be appealing for an early release. The lawyer stated that the prisoner denied all rumors regarding him being diagnosed with cancer, an issue that caused anxiety and worries amongst his family.

Bahar explained to the lawyer that he was moved to Meir medical center in Kfar Saba from Hadarim prison nine days ago after he complained of serious stomach pains and continuous bleeding.

Bahar underwent several tests and was told he had serious infections in his stomach. He was then moved to Ramla Prison Clinic under orders of the prison’s administration; the prison clinic lack basic equipment and supplies.

The lawyer pointed out the Bahr is now waiting for his transfer to Assaf Harofe medical center for additional tests to confirm the diagnosis, and where he will allegedly be provided with the adequate treatment and medication.

Although an Israeli military court rejected an early release seven months ago, Bahar’s health condition has deteriorated steadily since then, and the PPS moved for filing for an early release due to the nature of Bahar’s health condition and the need for specialized medical attention.

Fares Kamal, head of the PPS appealed to all parties to support the release of Bahar.

Kamal also warned against spreading rumors, and false reports, about the health condition of Bahar, or any other detainees, as such rumors cause worry and distress amongst the families of the detainees.