Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip report that several Palestinians suffered moderate-to-severe injuries when the Israeli army fired artillery shells before invading Ash-Shijaeyya neighborhood, east of Gaza City.Dr. Ashraf Al-Qodra, spokesperson of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, stated that the army fired several shells into the area leading to excessive damage and three injuries. All wounded residents were moved to the Ash-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

Furthermore, several armored Israeli military vehicles and a number of armored bulldozers invaded the area, and uprooted farmlands while the army fired shells and rounds of live ammunition.

One of the shells fired by the army struck a car driving in An-Nazzaz Street, in Ash-Shijaeyya, leading to several injuries.

The latest attack is part of an ongoing Israeli military assaults and escalation against the Palestinians, especially in the Gaza Strip.