Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riyadh Al-Maliki, stated Wednesday that the Palestinians embassy will be reopening its office in Kuwait for the first time since 22 years, and that the new ambassador will be submitting his papers to the Kuwaiti government next month.Al-Maliki said that Rami Tahboub was assigned as the new Palestinian ambassador in Kuwait, and that he (Tahboub) will be starting his duties next month.

The Arabs48 news website reported that the Foreign Minister of Kuwait, Khaled Al-Jarallah, stated on August 29 that an agreement was reached between Kuwait and the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) in order to reopen the embassy.

“We are currently finalizing the details with the P.A.”, Al-Jarallah said, “We will be assigning a building to be the new embassy in Kuwait”.

The Palestinian-Kuwaiti relations were strained after the former Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), headed by late President, Yasser Arafat, said that it rejects all sorts of occupation, but expressed support with Iraq that faced fierce war led by the United States.

Back then, the PLO said that the U.S and several counties, including Britain, are leading this war against Iraq in order to push it to withdraw its forces from Kuwait, but never did anything practical to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
The PLO strongly rejected any military solution to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and called for a negotiated settlement.

The Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990, and within hours, the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 660 condemning the invasion.

On August 9, the Council passed resolutions 661 and 662 authorizing the use of military force led by the United States, to remove the Iraqi army from Kuwait.

Following Israel’s occupation of the rest of Palestine in 1967 (the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem), the United Nations and its Security Council issued several resolutions calling on Israel to withdraw; Israel ignored, and continues to ignore, all resolutions related to its occupation of Palestine.

Also, following the Israeli occupation of historic Palestine in 1948, and the resulting destruction of hundreds of Palestinian cities and towns, and the forced displacement and expulsion of 700.000 – 800.000 Palestinians, the UN General Assembly passed on December 11 of the same year, resolution number 194 instating the Right of Return of all refugees to their homeland; Israel ignored the resolution.