Clashes between local residents in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, and Israeli soldiers, continued to escalate one day after the Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian teen identified as Muhammad Ziad Awad Salaymah, 17. Israeli daily, Haaretz, reported that large numbers of Israeli soldiers were deployed in the occupied city on Thursday anticipating a continuation of the clashes, and possibly further escalation especially since the army has been targeted by firebombs and stones throughout the day, according to Haaretz.

The funeral of the slain Palestinian youth took place on Thursday and was followed by clashes with Israeli soldiers who fired gas bombs, rubber-coated metal bullets and concussion grenades leading to at least three injuries.

On Thursday morning, clashes took place in Al-Masharqa area, and around the Tareq Bin Ziad School near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the center of Hebron, the Palestine News Network reported.

The army fired rubber-coated metal bullets, gas bombs and concussion grenades leading to several injuries. The soldiers also kidnapped several Palestinian youths and school children.

According to Haaretz, Palestinian policemen arrived at the scene and asked the army to stop firing at the protesters and to retreat, the army pulled back but the protests continued and several protesters started hurling stones at the Palestinian police; the police left the scene and the clashes with the Israeli army continued.

It is worth mentioning that Salaymah joined the Palestinian Circus School in Hebron approximately 18 months ago.