Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, filed a complaint to the Security Council against Syria after the Syrian Army opened fire, several days ago, at an Israeli military vehicle in the occupied Golan Heights. Prosor said that targeting the Israeli military vehicle is a “direct violation to the 1974 agreement that ended armed confrontation between Syria and Israel.’

In an interview with Syrian TV, a Syrian army commander stated that Syrian soldiers targeted an Israeli military vehicle after it crossed the border fence into Syrian territory.

The commander added that the Syrian army will not tolerate Israel’s ongoing violations, and will counter any Israeli military offensive against the country.

Furthermore, the Syrian TV said, “Israel must understand that the ongoing Israeli attacks against the country, and the fact that Israel is using the current situation, the fight against terror in Syria, will not stop Damascus from retaliating to the ongoing Israeli assaults and violations.”

It also stated that the Israeli assaults will not affect the arming of Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon, and that the Syrian retaliation is a message telling Israel that Syria will not stand idle while Tel Aviv continues its assaults, and added that Tel Aviv will not be able to stop the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah.

On his part, Hezbollah leader, Hasan Nasrallah, stated that “If Israel thinks Syria will stop arming the party, then its leaders must realize that Syria will grant Hezbollah advanced weapons that were never granted to the party before.”

The Israeli Air Force carried out numerous attacks against different targets in Syria, including aerial bombardment of a scientific research facility, Syrian army sites and other areas in the country; destruction and casualties have been reported.