Local sources in the West Bank city of Bethlehem have reported that clashes took place between dozens of local youths, and Israeli soldiers, in Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem.The sources said that the clashes are part of dozens of protests that took place in different parts of the occupied West Bank after undercover forces infiltrated into Qalandia refugee camp, north of occupied Jerusalem, Monday, killed three Palestinians and injured dozens, including 15 who suffered moderate-to-severe injuries after being shot by rounds of live ammunition.

Mohammad Ayman, an activist from Aida refugee camp, told the Radio Bethlehem 2000, that the clashes took place after funeral ceremonies of the slain Palestinians were held in Qalandia.

Ayman added that dozens of youths placed tires under the fortified concrete military tower overlooking the camp behind the Annexation Wall, and burnt the tires.
The soldiers fired gas bombs, concussion grenades, rubber-coated metal bullets and rounds of live ammunition.

Several residents suffered the effects of teargas inhalation, while one youth was shot in the face by a rubber-coated metal bullet.

On Tuesday at dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded Hindaza area, east of the Bethlehem district, and kidnapped two brothers identified as Mahmoud, 36, and Aseed Hasan Al-Wirdyan, 23, after breaking into their home and violently searching it.

Soldiers also kidnapped five more Palestinians The West Bank districts of Hebron and Nablus.