[Saturday evening September 14, 2013] Palestinian security sources in the Gaza Strip have reported that a two Egyptian Navy boats sailed into Palestinian territorial waters in the Gaza Strip, chased Palestinian fishermen, opened fire at their boats, and arrested a fisherman.The sources said that the Palestinian boats did not enter Egyptian waters, and that the Egyptian Navy boats sailed all the way into Palestinian waters, and stopped approximately one nautical mile away from the shore.

The Egyptian boats then opened fire at several Palestinian fishing boats, close to the Rafah Port and the Naval Police headquarters, before boarding a fishing boat and arresting Omar Mohammad Bardaweel.

On Thursday, two Egyptian army tanks crossed the Gaza-Egypt wired border fence, but did not cross into the Palestinian side, media sources in Gaza said.

Eyewitnesses said that the two tanks reportedly crossed through the first border fence, and drove next to the concrete wall Egypt is building along the border with Gaza.

Islam Shahwan, spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior in Gaza, denied the report, and that the not a single Egyptian tank crossed the border, and called on local media outlets to ensure the accuracy of their reports.