Israeli sources have reported Saturday [September 21, 2013] that the Israeli soldier who went missing on Friday at night was found dead on Saturday morning near Qalqilia, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, and that the army arrested a Palestinian who allegedly killed him.Israeli daily, Haaretz, has reported that the soldier Tomer Hazan, 20, went missing on Friday morning, and that the Israeli army, the Police, and the Shin Bet (Internal Security Agency) set up a joint taskforce that was in charge of locating him.

The body of the missing soldier was located near the Qalqilia.

According to Israeli reports, a Palestinian identified as Nidal Omar, from Beit Amin village near Qalqilia, who also worked with the kidnapped soldier at an Israeli restaurant, confessed to picking the soldier up, on Friday, and that the two took a cab to the illegal Israeli settlement of Sha’arei Tikva, located near Qalqilia.

He later took the soldier to a well close to the village of Snieria village, near Qalqilia, and killed him before dumping his body in the well.

During interrogation, Amar said that he wanted to hide the body of the soldier in an attempt to secure the release of his detained brother, Noureddeen, who has been imprisoned by Israel since 2003.

On Saturday morning, dozens of soldiers invaded Beit Amin village, kidnapped six brothers, and demolished a section of their home and a barn they own. The village was placed under curfew and strict closure.

The army claims that the six have been taken prisoner on suspicion of arms trafficking.

The six have been identified as Bassam, Abdul-Salaam, Ali, Ibrahim, Mahmoud and Abdullah. Fateh leaders in Snieria village said, “It appears that Israel is suspects that the six might be connected to the killing of the soldier”.

Israeli Ynetnews, quoted a senior Israeli army officer who said that he does not believe the attack is part of a larger plan, and added that the army and security forces allegedly foiled a number of attempts to kidnap Israeli soldiers and settlers in the occupied West Bank last year.