[Tuesday Morning October 22, 2013] A number of armored Israeli military vehicles invaded areas in the northern and central parts of the besieged Gaza Strip, and fired dozens of rounds of live ammunition before uprooting Palestinian farmlands.Local sources have reported that two armored military bulldozers, and two tanks, advanced dozens of meters into Palestinian farmlands close to the border fence, bulldozed them, and set grass ablaze to clear the area.

Furthermore, three armored military vehicles invaded an area east of Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza, bulldozed and uprooted farmlands also close to the border fence.

The invasion is part of a series of limited invasion carried out by the military, especially after the army uncovered a tunnel connecting Gaza with a settlement across the border area.

Earlier on Tuesday, soldiers shot and dead a Palestinian fighter of the Islamic Jihad, after surrounding him in a cave near the central West Bank city of Ramallah. The fighter was killed after a gun battle with the soldiers.

Israel claimed the fighter is behind an attack in Tel Aviv that led to the injury of 29 Israelis.

The Israeli Internal Security Service said that the fighter, Mohammad Al-‘Aasy, was repeated imprisoned, and was released later on, but remained “a person of interest”.

Local sources in the nearby Kufur Ni’ma and Ni’lin villages, have reported that the army invaded the two villages and completely sealed the area.

Clashes have been reported, while several residents, including a four-month old infant, have been treated for the effects of teargas inhalation after the army fired gas bombs at random, hitting several homes.