[Monday, April 20, 2014] Palestinian fighters fired a shell at an Israeli military vehicle, across the border east of Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza. Eyewitnesses said the army fired dozens of rounds of live ammunition and used smokescreens to withdraw from the area.

They added that a number of army vehicles later rushed to the scene and initiated a search campaign.

Soldiers also fired several shells into nearby Palestinian lands, causing them to catch fire.

In related news, Israeli military sources have reported, on Sunday evening, April 20, 2014, that an explosive charge detonated near an Israeli military vehicle driving across the border fence, in southern Gaza.

The sources said the explosion did not cause injuries or damage to the vehicle, and that the army initiated a search campaign in the area.

Furthermore, Israeli sources said Palestinian fighters fired five shells into the Shear Hangev settlement bloc in the Western Negev, causing no damage or injuries.